The arrest of a Chinese fisherman by the Japan Coast Guard has resparked a longstanding territorial dispute. But what's in the water these two nations want so badly?日本海岸警卫队抓捕一名中国渔民引爆了这个长期的领土争端。但究竟是什么让这2个国家如此激烈争夺?
A torn Japanese flag rests atop a pile of dead fish during a Chinese protest in front of the Japan Exchange Association on Sept. 14. The diplomatic dispute between Tokyo and Beijing over an archipelago -- known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan, Diaoyu in China, and which is also claimed by Taiwan -- has escalated in recent weeks. And it's not just the rich fishing grounds they're fighting over: The waters are believed to contain significant oil and gas deposits9月14号,一个中国的抗议者在日本交流协会前把一面撕烂的日本国旗插在了一堆死鱼上面。日本和中国的外交争议的群岛——在日称为尖阁列岛,中国称为钓鱼岛,同样也被台湾这样宣称——在最近几周内迅速升级。而且他们争取过来不仅是因为这是个渔业资源丰富的渔场,更是因为这里蕴含着巨大的石油和天然气储量。
Chinese fishing boats are berthed and tied down in the coastal town of Jinjiang, southeast China's Fujian province on Sept. 19. Zhan Qixiong, the 41-year-old Chinese trawler captain whose arrest by Japanese authorities has triggered an international tussle over disputed waters in the East China Sea, set sail from this port. Zhan was arrested by the Japan Coast Guard on suspicion of obstructing officers on duty, a charge that carries a maximum three-year prison sentence. On Sept. 9, China called the seizure of Zhan's trawler "absurd," warning it could adversely affect ties between the two nations.9月19日,中国的渔船停泊集结在中国东南部福建省的沿海城市晋江。詹其雄,41岁的中国渔船船长被日本当局逮捕,并引发了在中国东海的争议海域的国际争端,他正是从这个港口出发的。詹其雄因涉嫌妨碍执行公务而被日本海岸警卫队逮捕,同时起诉判决最高3年的徒刑。在9月9号,中国宣布对詹的逮捕是“无效的”,并警告这可能严重影响两国的关系。
Photographers try to take pictures of arrested demonstrators being taken away in a bus near the Japanese consulate in Shanghai on Sept. 18. The protest followed a deepening row between Beijing and Tokyo over a Chinese trawler, whose captain is being held in Japan after his boat was seized in disputed waters.9月18日,摄影师试图拍摄被抓捕的并用大巴带走的在上海日本领事馆附近的示威者。因为中国的渔船船长在争议海域作业被日本逮捕,抗议活动日益加深中日之间的矛盾。
A fishing boat carrying activists from Hong Kong -- en route to the disputed island chain in the East China Sea -- sails through Victoria Harbor on Sept. 22.9月22日,一艘载有来自香港的抗议者的渔船从维多利亚港口驶出,去往中国东海有争议的岛屿。
A policeman attempts to break up a crowd of anti-Japanese protesters as they march through the Beijing's embassy district on Sept. 18
Chinese security personnel patrol theport of Jinjiang, in southeast China's Fujian province on Sept. 19.9月19日,中国福建省东南部的晋江港口,中国的士兵在巡逻。
A Taiwanese protest ship, escorted bytwo coastguard vessels, sets sail from the fishing port of Yeiliu for the EastChina Sea on Sept. 13.9月13日,一艘台湾抗议渔船在2艘护卫舰的护送下,从中国东部海域的Yeiliu渔港扬帆起航。
A small group of anti-Japaneseactivists from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau demonstrate in Yeiliu, a fishingport in northern Taiwan on Sept. 13.9月13日,一群来自台湾,香港,澳门的抗日活动家在台湾北部的Yeiliu渔港进行了游行示威。
Hong Kang activists set sail for theEast China Sea, departing from Cheung Chau Island near Hong Kong on Sept. 22.9月22日,香港活动家离开长洲岛向中国东海出发。
Chinese fishing boats along theJinjiang coast at low tide on Sept. 9.9月9号,中国渔船在低潮时停泊在晋江岸边。
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