五座葛萊美音樂獎得主的英、法雙語天後Celine Dion,其過去三年來便已在美國一地創下2千5百萬張的銷售記錄,而她過去樂壇10年的全球唱片總銷量,更已超過1億張,除了成為全球最暢銷的藝人外,更已在歌迷心中奠定難以取代的「最佳情歌代言人」地位。然而,令全世界歌迷感到惋惜的是,一直渴望兼顧家庭生活的Celine欲在她最當紅之際,宣佈當她於1999年12月31日完成在加拿大舉行的個人跨世紀演唱會後,便將暫時告別歌壇,並以次精選輯做為她暫別樂壇前的超級獻禮,為其樂壇生涯劃上漂亮的休止符! 此專輯可分為兩個部分,前半段所精選的是Celine自1990年進軍英語國際樂壇10年來,9首最膾炙人口的暢銷單曲。其中包括了:Celine的首支排行冠軍單曲[The Power Of Love]、與R.Kelly對唱的[I『m Your Angle]…等多首全美冠軍單曲,以及[Beauty And The Beast] [Because You Loved Me] [My Heart Will Go On]等,分獲葛萊美或奧斯卡獎「最佳電影主題曲」獎項殊榮的經典作品。此外,還有與[My Heart Will Go On]分庭抗禮、同樣精彩傳奇的[To Love You More]。 後半段收錄了7首全新的優秀作品,包括:當紅偶像Backstreet Boys,Briney Spears的幕後推手Max Martin,Kristian Lundia共同為Celine所打造的首支單曲[That s The Way It Is]:身為鄉村天後Shania Twain的夫婿以及製作人並一手創造Shania如今成就的Robert John「Mutt」Lange,為Celine譜寫的浪漫抒情曲[If Walls Could Talk]:[My Heart Will Go On]金獎詞曲創作者搭檔再度為Celine量身譜寫[Then You Look At Me]…等。此輯除了絕對是20世紀最值得典藏的精選巨作外,更勢必在即將到來的21世紀創造全新的排行銷售歷史記錄!
for all those times you stood by me for all the truth that you made me see for all the joy you brought into my life for all the wrong that you made right for every dream you made come true for all the love i found in you i'll be forever thankful baby you're the one who held me up and never let me fall you're the one who saw me through through it all you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith 'coz you believed i'm everything i am because you loved me you gave me wings and made me fly you touched my hand i could touch the sky i lost my faith, you gave it back to me you said no star was out of reach you stood by me and i stood tall i had your love i had it all i'm grateful for each day you gave me maybe i don't know that much but i know this much is true i was blessed because i was loved by you you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith 'coz you believed i'm everything i am because you loved me you were always there for me the tender wind that carried me a light in the dark shining your love into my life you've been my inspiration through the lies you were the truth my world is a better place because of you you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith 'coz you believed i'm everything i am because you loved me you were my strength when i was weak you were my voice when i couldn't speak you were my eyes when i couldn't see you saw the best there was in me lifted me up when i couldn't reach you gave me faith 'coz you believed i'm everything i am because you loved me i'm everything i am because you loved me
歌手名:Celine Dion 別名:席琳狄翁 生日:1968年3月30日 星座:白羊座 出生地點:加拿大魁北克省 性別:女 從位於加拿大法語區的家鄉平凡起步開始,Celine Dion就不平凡地好比流星般快速地竄升上國際巨星的行列,她不僅被稱為90年當代流行歌手之尊,並已贏得全球音樂工業的一致稱讚與榮耀,而這一切包括了:5座美國的葛萊美獎(Grammy Awards)、20座加拿大的朱諾獎(Juno)與39座加拿大菲力克斯獎(Felix),以及7座歐洲所舉辦的世界音樂獎(World Music Awards),此外,Celine更讓全世界都親眼見證到了她是如何地從一位充滿天賦的青澀少女,逐步地改變成為一位國際巨星!