
爱的致幻剂, Amy Kuney - Love Is Trippy


爱的致幻剂, Amy Kuney - Love Is Trippy

Love Is Trippy--Amy Kuney

A third party at a table for two
I'm sorry I don't mean to intrude
But it was me and you before you met her
And all the live songs you wrote for me

(You) stuck her name where mine used to be
But my name in them fit the Rhythm better
I'd go if you had a ride
And I'd smoke if you had a light

And I fall every time for this
And love is trippy like that
Sometimes you think that you've got it
Nobody's gonna trip you

Outta this one baby
But love will slip through your hands
You never know how to hold it
Control it you're gripping

It's tripping you up
Says the woman who sings at the bar
This is for you, you know who you are
I was you once, looking for someone

I never found...
She paints in a low smoky voice
Pictures of bruises, bad days and boys
And how they stood her up just to let her down

She'd win if you were the prize
(She) gives in to all of your lies
She falls every time for this...(Chorus)
For all of the girls who feel like they're overdressed

Undersexed, starving for yeses or maybes
Tired of always being ignored
He might see the available chair
Beside me, the invitation is there

But I'm not the kind of scratch he's itching for...
I'd go if you had a ride
I'd smoke if you had a light
I fall every time for this

Amy Kuney,一个年轻的美国歌手。自从2006年发行第一张EP以来,只有陆陆续续几支单曲问世。2008年8月12日是她的新专辑发行的日子,其中的"每首歌都是我生命的不同章节"。在夏季旅行中迸发的音乐灵感让她无法停止创作,因此休学来完成了这张专辑。

  从四岁开始学习钢琴,随后到处参加比赛,7岁开始即兴创作。Amy Kuney音乐之路的开端并不特殊。出生于俄克拉荷马的她,是五个孩子中的一个,有个每天煮饭打扫的主妇妈妈和西装革履的上班族爸爸,每周末去教堂,日子平淡如水。1998年,洪都拉斯遭遇飓风袭击后遍地狼藉。Amy的父亲得知此事后,举家迁往洪都拉斯从事传教工作,那一年她13岁。生活从原本的欢乐富足,到房屋四周都是铁丝网、黑帮横行、与毒贩为邻,生活物资匮乏,举目无亲,语言不通,艰难可想而知。



  2006年,她的第一支单曲,自己创作的Birds Eye View发行。Amy浑厚的声线在简单的吉他声中缓缓展开,没有华丽的和声和编曲,却已足够让人舒舒服服。今年,她的单曲All Downhill From Here被选作偶像剧One Tree Hill第五季大结局的片头插曲,People杂志也刊登了有关她的新闻----虽然只有短短几行,也是Amy Kuney走入流行视线的小小征兆。

  相比起专业的音乐人,Amy Kuney更像一个天真的孩子。她在YouTube上自弹自唱的翻唱(竟有Coldplay的Viva La Vida,她一个人钢琴伴奏并给自己和声)令自己小有名气。Amy的偶像Damien Rice在YouTube上听了她翻唱自己的歌曲后,将她邀请到冰岛为自己作开场表演。在MySpace空间里,Amy为这件事开心的要死掉了----正是她的这份纯真,让作为原创歌手的她写出的音乐格外温暖和亲切。

  Amy Kuney的曲风和嗓音给人感觉虽不会大红大紫,却有着不让人乏味的清新。这种毫无做作感的独立声音,不刻意追风的独立精神,让人对这个还在念书的创作型歌手倍生好感。



[ 本帖最后由 xufeng1385 于 2009-3-24 01:30 编辑 ]
  • 金币 +16 不管你是否接受 红包敬上! 2009-3-24 09:10


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