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[视频] Firework恶搞版 以前有人发过Katy Perry的Firework,挺好听的一首鼓舞人的歌,MV做的不错,没听过的朋友可以听一下的。听过的如果不知道歌的意思,可以再看一下(下面的原版视频有歌词),不然可能看不懂恶搞的视频。Firework的恶搞视频有好几个,我把最好笑的发上来,由于网上还没有恶搞版的歌词,我让一朋友帮我做了一个,大家将就看。 原版MV 视频下载地址:http://u.115.com/file/e6yoo03n#Download[中英字幕]_Katy_Perry_-_Firework.mp4 MP3下载地址:http://u.115.com/file/e6yo6og5#DownloadFirework.mp3 恶搞版(歌手长得也很像) 视频下载地址:http://u.115.com/file/bhzxxcuu#Download专业恶搞团队The_Key_of_Awesome新作Katy_Perry-Firework.mp4 恶搞版歌词: 是否曾经有过这么个不速之客 Have you ever had an uninvited guest 为什么你穿了个运动裤 Why did you wear sweatpants 而那天她却穿了那么个裙子 The day she wore that dress 你在上面放了本书 You put a book on it 你的棍子却不愿意服输 Your woody wouldn't quit 一直想些下流的事情 Think of disgusting things 并且不能再多想一点 and don't encourage it 然后拉链开始要崩裂 And then it starts to achezippers about to break 你用所有的方法要驯服这条裤裆里的蛇 Your using every trick to try to tame your trouser snake 好好听课 Listen and listen good 不要在隐藏你的棍子 Don' t cover up your wood 一根真正的棍子永远不应该隐藏或者禁锢 A woody never should Ever have to be Caged or blocked 解开你的大门 Unlock your jock 让它就像盒子里的千斤顶一样的爆出 Just let it pop Like a jack in the box 展现你的小弟弟还能用 Show em that your willy works 勃起不该是一件有害的事情 A stiffy shouldn't have to hurt 让他们都尖叫 我的上帝 Make em scream oh my god 就像让你的光亮的圆棍震惊他们一样 As you shock em with your lightning rod BABY让你的驴升起来吧 Baby let your mojo rise 大小并不是问题 It doesn't matter what the size 你没必要觉得丢人 You don't have to feel ashamed 就像麦丽(迪斯尼前任红人问题女孩 现任是justin bieber女友)一样不服管教 Like Miley it just can't be tamed Boing boing boing 就算比波音波音波音(飞机)还大 Even bigger than Boeing Boeing Boeing 有时候会很麻烦麻烦麻烦 Sometimes it can be annoying noying noying 但你的自信在增长增长增长 But now your confidence is gro ow oing 把你的精液拿来炫耀 Put your package on display 就算他们尖叫这吓走 Even if they scream and run away 你就是你胯下独眼马的最佳马术师 Your the jockey of your one eyed horse 我说的是你能驾驭了它 I'm talking bout your dong of course 有一天你变的又老又没劲 Someday when youíre old and bored 你会希望你曾经更多展现过 You'll wish that you had shown it more 这就是为什么这个世界存在 It's the reason that the world was born 就像每个女孩都坚信存在独角兽 Every girl believes in unicorns Doing ding dong 一些路人甲胖子会消失在你的生活中 Someday random chubbys will be gone Doing ding dong 真不敢相信我写了一首schlong(penis即JJ的俚语)歌曲 Can't believe I wrote a whole schlong song [ 本帖最后由 klfzzp 于 2011-7-13 18:54 编辑 ] |
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